UNI Faculty Roster

A database of campus faculty from 1876 to 2016, including emeritus.  

Image of Principal James GilchristThe UNI Faculty Roster is a unique database of all UNI faculty, maintained by Special Collections and University Archives at Rod Library. The database is of value to serious and casual researchers alike, to explore career tracks, biographies, and other details of campus faculty. Information has been compiled from campus yearbooks, budget books, and other sources in the University Archives.

Enter a name to search for a faculty member or use the menu options above to search by school year, department or ranks. Some staff members are also included in this list.

Please note that this roster is not comprehensive and is no longer routinely updated; it was last updated for the 2015-2016 academic year. For additional information about faculty and staff, contact the university's Human Resource Services or SC&UA staff at libarchives@uni.edu.

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