
Displaying 1 - 100 of 1587
Name Role Rank
E. Burnham Vocal and Instrumental Music Professor
Name Role Rank
E. Burnham Vocal and Instrumental Music Professor
Name Role Rank
J. Hobron Vocal and Instrumental Music Professor
William Hull Drawing, Penmanship, and Accounts Professor
Name Role Rank
William Hull Drawing and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Drawing and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Drawing and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Drawing and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Penmanship, Drawing, and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Penmanship, Drawing, and Accounts Professor
Ida McLagan Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Penmanship, Drawing, and Accounts Professor
Mary Bagg Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Penmanship, Drawing, and Accounts Professor
Mary Bagg Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
William Hull Penmanship, Drawing, and Accounts Professor
Mary Bagg Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
F. Buckingham Assistant in Penmanship and Drawing Assistant
Julia Curtiss Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank
F. Buckingham Assistant in Penmanship and Drawing Assistant
Julia Curtiss Vocal and Instrumental Music Teacher
Name Role Rank Notes
F. Buckingham Penmanship and Drawing Instructor Resigned effective June 12, 1891.
Julia Curtiss Vocal and Instrumental Music Instructor
Name Role Rank
Emma Dahlin Penmanship and Drawing Instructor
Julia Curtiss Vocal and Instrumental Music Instructor
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Penmanship and Drawing Instructor
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Instructor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Assistant
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Instructor Leave of absence, 1898-1899.
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Mary Morse Drawing Assistant Supply teacher, 1898-1899.
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Instructor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Assistant Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Assistant Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Assistant Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor On leave fall term, 1903.
Bertha Patt Drawing Assistant Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Instructor
Louise Rowe Drawing Instructor Fall term, 1903.
Emma Ingalls Drawing Instructor Summer term 1904 only.
Name Role Rank Notes
Bertha Patt Drawing Professor
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Assistant Professor
Emma Ingalls Drawing Instructor Summer term 1905 only.
Gladys Dunn Penmanship Subordinate Assistant Winter and spring terms.
Albert Meyer Penmanship Subordinate Assistant Winter term.
Name Role Rank Notes
Bertha Patt Drawing Professor
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Assistant Professor
Johanna Hansen Drawing Instructor Summer term 1906 only.
Eva Weatherbe Penmanship Subordinate Assistant
Name Role Rank Notes
Bertha Patt Drawing Professor
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Harry Cummins Penmanship and Bookkeeping Assistant Professor
Johanna Hansen Drawing Instructor Summer term 1907 only.
Ida Strawn Drawing Instructor Summer term 1907 only.
Winifred Barker Drawing and Penmanship Assistant
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Professor
Johanna Hansen Drawing Instructor Summer term 1910 only.
Name Role Rank
Henrietta Thornton Drawing Professor
Bertha Patt Drawing Professor
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Unspecified Professor
Bertha Patt Unspecified Professor
Effie Schuneman Unspecified Instructor
Johanna Hansen Drawing Instructor Summer term, 1912 only.
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Unspecified Professor Leave of absence, 1912-1913.
Bertha Patt Unspecified Professor
Effie Schuneman Unspecified Instructor
Anna Iverson Unspecified Instructor Substitute instructor, 1912-1913.
Name Role Rank Notes
Bertha Patt Unspecified Professor
Henrietta Thornton Head Professor
Anna Iverson Unspecified Instructor Substitute instructor, 1913-1914.
Effie Schuneman Unspecified Instructor Absent, 1913-1914.
Name Role Rank Notes
Bertha Patt Unspecified Professor
Henrietta Thornton Head Professor
Effie Schuneman Unspecified Instructor
Gaylie Woodring Unspecified Unspecified Summer term, 1915 only.
Name Role Rank Notes
Henrietta Thornton Head Professor Leave of absence, winter term, 1915-1916.
Bertha Patt Unspecified Professor
Effie Schuneman Unspecified Instructor
Louise Goffe Unspecified Instructor Substitute, winter term, 1915-1916.
Christine Schneider Unspecified Unspecified Summer term, 1916 only.
Agnes Cole Unspecified Unspecified Summer term, 1916 only.