English and Speech

Displaying 101 - 200 of 243
Name Role Rank Notes
Charles Guest Unspecified Associate Professor
Louise Forest Unspecified Associate Professor
Mamie Jones Speech Associate Professor
Edwin Maurer Unspecified Instructor
Edward Nehls Unspecified Instructor On leave.
Francis Phraner Unspecified Instructor
Alastair Reid Unspecified Instructor Temporary.
James Shanks Speech Instructor
Miriam Smith Speech Instructor
Evelyn Starkey Unspecified Instructor
Morla Timberlake Unspecified Instructor
Robert Weber Unspecified Instructor
Josef Fox Unspecified Instructor
Richard Braddock Unspecified Instructor
Richard Bergstrom Speech Instructor
Louise Goble Speech Instructor
James Hearst Creative Writing Visiting Instructor
Katherine Buxbaum Unspecified Emeritus
Selina Terry Unspecified Emeritus
Samuel Lynch Unspecified Emeritus
Name Role Rank Notes
William Fagan Unspecified Professor
H. Reninger Head Professor
Hazel Strayer Speech Professor
Wallace Anderson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Mary Hanawalt Unspecified Assistant Professor
Alden Hanson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Elaine McDavitt Speech Assistant Professor
Oliver Skalbeck Speech Assistant Professor
Norman Stageberg Unspecified Assistant Professor
Lillian Wagner Speech Assistant Professor
Stanley Wood Speech Assistant Professor
John Cowley Unspecified Associate Professor
Louise Forest Unspecified Associate Professor
Ernest Fossum Speech Associate Professor
Charles Guest Unspecified Associate Professor
Richard Bergstrom Speech Instructor
Richard Braddock Unspecified Instructor On leave.
Josef Fox Unspecified Instructor
Francis Smith Unspecified Instructor
Miriam Smith Speech Instructor
Edwin Maurer Unspecified Instructor On leave.
Leo Goggin Unspecified Instructor
Evelyn Wood Unspecified Instructor Temporary.
Frederick Hoar Journalism Instructor
Francis Phraner Unspecified Instructor
John McNally Unspecified Instructor
Herbert Tjossem Unspecified Instructor
James Hearst Creative Writing Visiting Instructor
Katherine Buxbaum Unspecified Emeritus
Samuel Lynch Unspecified Emeritus
Selina Terry Unspecified Emeritus
Name Role Rank Notes
Hazel Strayer Speech Professor
John Cowley Unspecified Professor
William Fagan Unspecified Professor
H. Reninger Head Professor
Wallace Anderson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Mary Hanawalt Unspecified Assistant Professor
Alden Hanson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Elaine McDavitt Speech Assistant Professor
Oliver Skalbeck Speech Assistant Professor
Norman Stageberg Unspecified Assistant Professor On leave.
Lillian Wagner Speech Assistant Professor
Stanley Wood Speech Assistant Professor On leave.
Louise Forest Unspecified Associate Professor
Ernest Fossum Speech Associate Professor
Charles Guest Unspecified Associate Professor
Herold Lillywhite Speech Associate Professor
Richard Arnold Speech Instructor Temporary.
Richard Braddock Unspecified Instructor
Josef Fox Unspecified Instructor
Leo Goggin Unspecified Instructor
Frederick Hoar Journalism Instructor
Ross Jewell Unspecified Instructor Temporary.
Edwin Maurer Unspecified Instructor
John McNally Unspecified Instructor
Francis Phraner Unspecified Instructor
John Pruis Speech Instructor Temporary.
Francis Smith Unspecified Instructor
Miriam Smith Speech Instructor On leave.
James Hearst Creative Writing Visiting Instructor
Katherine Buxbaum Unspecified Emeritus
Samuel Lynch Unspecified Emeritus
Selina Terry Unspecified Emeritus
Name Role Rank Notes
John Cowley Unspecified Professor
William Fagan Unspecified Professor
H. Reninger Head Professor
Hazel Strayer Speech Professor On leave.
Oliver Skalbeck Speech Assistant Professor
Norman Stageberg Unspecified Assistant Professor On leave.
Lillian Wagner Speech Assistant Professor
Stanley Wood Speech Assistant Professor
Wallace Anderson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Josef Fox Unspecified Assistant Professor
Mary Hanawalt Unspecified Assistant Professor
Alden Hanson Unspecified Assistant Professor
Elaine McDavitt Speech Assistant Professor
Ernest Fossum Speech Associate Professor
Charles Guest Unspecified Associate Professor
Louise Forest Unspecified Associate Professor
Herold Lillywhite Speech Associate Professor