
Displaying 851 - 900 of 1381 faculty staff members in this school year
Department: Management
# Person Role Rank Notes
851 Atul Mitra Human Resource Management Professor
852 Benjamin Allen President Professor
853 Daniel Power Management Information Systems Professor
854 Farzad Moussavi Dean, College of Business Administration Professor
855 Gerald Smith Management and Decision Making Professor
856 Steven Wartick Business Policy and Strategy Professor
857 Michael Spencer Operations Management Professor
858 Tony McAdams Law and Management Professor
859 Donna Wood Wilson Chair in Business Ethics Professor Also taught in Philosophy and World Religions.
860 Mary Connerley Head Professor
861 Anju Mehta Management Assistant Professor
862 Haihao Jin Management Assistant Professor
863 Sarah Sorenson Organizational Behavior Assistant Professor
864 Nikhil Mehta Management Information Systems Assistant Professor
865 Adele Santana Management Assistant Professor
866 Russell Guay Management Assistant Professor
867 Jin Haihao Unspecified Assistant Professor
868 Dale Cyphert Management Associate Professor
869 James Mattingly Management and Policy Associate Professor
870 Mary Wurtz Human Resource Management Associate Professor
871 Roberta Roth Management Information Systems Associate Professor
872 Leslie Wilson Associate Dean, College of Business Administration Associate Professor
873 Lou Honary Director, Ag-Based Industrial Lubricants Associate Professor
874 Rex Karsten Management Information Systems Associate Professor
875 Young Lee Management Information Systems Associate Professor
876 Betsy Ratchford Management Information Systems Instructor
877 Karl Bultsma Management Instructor
878 Thomas Bower Management Instructor
879 Heidi Noonan-Day Law Instructor
880 Martin Hansen Unspecified Instructor
881 Petronella Crews Unspecified Instructor
882 Cynthia Goro Management Instructor
883 Aurelia Klink Unspecified Emeritus
884 Glenn Hansen Unspecified Emeritus
885 Jack Reed Unspecified Emeritus
886 Robert Waller Unspecified Emeritus
887 Peter Goulet Unspecified Emeritus
888 Carey Kirk Unspecified Emeritus
Department: Marketing
# Person Role Rank Notes
889 Mohammed Rawwas Marketing Professor
890 Dennis Clayson Marketing Professor
891 Kadiampatti Rajendran Marketing Associate Professor
892 Karthik Nanjunda Iyer Marketing Associate Professor
893 Matthew Bunker Marketing Associate Professor
894 Michael Klassen Marketing Associate Professor
895 Steven Corbin Interim Head Associate Professor
896 Matthew Wilson Unspecified Instructor
897 Thomas Cummings Unspecified Instructor
898 Christine Schrage Unspecified Instructor
899 Mary Sheffet Unspecified Emeritus
900 Saul Diamond Unspecified Emeritus