
Displaying 1 - 50 of 450 faculty staff members in this school year
Department: Alumni Service
# Person Role Rank Notes
1 Milo Lawton Director Unspecified
Department: Art
# Person Role Rank Notes
2 David Delafield Art Professor
3 Harry Guillaume Head Professor
4 Clifford Herrold Art Professor
5 Paul Smith Unspecified Professor
6 John Page Art Professor
7 Glenn Benge Unspecified Assistant Professor
8 Marjorie Campbell Unspecified Assistant Professor
9 Kenneth Gogel Art Assistant Professor
10 Ralph Haskell Unspecified Associate Professor
11 Donald Finegan Art Associate Professor
12 Charles Harshbarger Unspecified Instructor
13 Ralph Koppel Unspecified Instructor
14 Francis Petheo Unspecified Instructor
15 Chunghi Choo Unspecified Instructor
16 Dora Robinson Unspecified Instructor Temporary.
17 Joan Stein Unspecified Instructor Temporary half-time.
Department: Business and Business Education
# Person Role Rank Notes
18 James Blanford Unspecified Professor
19 Lloyd Douglas Head Professor
20 Leonard Keefe Assistant Trainer in Distributive Education Professor
21 Agnes Lebeda Unspecified Professor
22 George McDonald Marketing Assistant Professor
23 Gordon Denton General Business Assistant Professor
24 Jack Reed Business Education Assistant Professor
25 Shiv Goyal Marketing Assistant Professor
26 Mary Blanford Unspecified Assistant Professor Temporary.
27 Kenneth Hansen Unspecified Assistant Professor
28 Donald Hill Unspecified Assistant Professor
29 Oliver Anderson Director in Distributive Education Assistant Professor
30 Saul Diamond General Business Assistant Professor
31 Arthur Hebron Unspecified Assistant Professor
32 Katherine Humphrey Unspecified Associate Professor
33 Glenn Hansen Unspecified Instructor
34 Gaylon Halverson Unspecified Instructor
35 Joyce McCrea Business Education Instructor
Department: Business Education
# Person Role Rank Notes
36 Leo Ruggle Accounting Instructor Temporary.
Department: Business Office
# Person Role Rank Notes
37 James Bailey Assistant Business Manager and Treasurer Unspecified
38 Philip Jennings Business Manager and Secretary Unspecified
39 Benjamin Boardman Unspecified Emeritus
Department: College Relations and Information Services
# Person Role Rank Notes
40 George Holmes Director Unspecified
41 Donald Kelly Assistant Director Unspecified
Department: College Union
# Person Role Rank Notes
42 Dale Brostrom Director Unspecified Also Director of Dining Services.
Department: Curriculum Laboratory
# Person Role Rank Notes
43 Guy Wagner Director Professor
44 Robert Eller Audio-Visual Specialist Instructor
45 Dorlan Mork Materials Coordinator Instructor
Department: Data Processing
# Person Role Rank Notes
46 Paul Mahon Director Unspecified
Department: Education and Psychology
# Person Role Rank Notes
47 Gordon Rhum Coordinator of Research and Evaluation Professor
48 Howard Knutson Associate Dean of Instruction Professor Director of the Summer Session.
49 Julia Sparrow Education Professor
50 Margaret Nelson Education Professor