
Displaying 301 - 350 of 450 faculty staff members in this school year
Department: Science
# Person Role Rank Notes
301 Darrel Hoff Physical Science Instructor
302 Raymond Sloan Biology Instructor
303 Erwin Richter Physical Science Instructor
304 Robert Getchell Unspecified Emeritus
305 Roy Abbott Unspecified Emeritus
306 Cyrus Lantz Unspecified Emeritus Part-time service.
Department: Security and Service
# Person Role Rank Notes
307 Rollin Evers Supervisor Unspecified
Department: Social Science
# Person Role Rank Notes
308 Charles Leavitt American History and Economics Professor
309 Daryl Pendergraft Executive Dean and Assistant to the President Professor
310 George Poage History Professor
311 Howard Jones History Professor
312 Jan Tulasiewicz Economics Professor
313 Leland Sage History Professor
314 Erma Plaehn Political Science Professor
315 Louis Bultena Sociology Professor
316 Lyman Harris History Professor
317 Donald Howard Head Professor
318 Herman Nelson Earth Science and Geography Professor
319 William Lang Dean of Instruction and Vice President Professor Also Director of Teacher Education.
320 Basheer Nijim Geography Assistant Professor
321 Charles Quirk History Assistant Professor
322 Robert Ross Political Science Assistant Professor
323 Thomas Ryan History Assistant Professor
324 Roy Chung Geography Assistant Professor
325 Robert Claus Sociology Assistant Professor
326 Donald Cummings Economics Assistant Professor
327 John Eiklor History Assistant Professor
328 Peter Hoffmann History Assistant Professor
329 Robert Clark Geography Assistant Professor
330 Francis Winter Political Science Assistant Professor
331 John Kirby Geography Assistant Professor
332 Harold Wohl History Associate Professor
333 Howard Thompson History Associate Professor
334 Ernestine Smith Geography Associate Professor
335 Nathan Talbott Political Science and Far Eastern Studies Associate Professor On leave.
336 Donald Whitnah History Associate Professor
337 William Metcalfe Social Science Associate Professor
338 Lyle Alberts Social Science Instructor
339 Robert Kramer Sociology Instructor
340 George Robinson Unspecified Emeritus Part-time service.
341 Merle Thompson Unspecified Emeritus Part-time service; resigned effective June 30, 1966.
342 Ralph Fahrney Unspecified Emeritus
343 Mary Hunter Unspecified Emeritus
Department: Speech
# Person Role Rank Notes
344 Lillian Wagner Speech Professor
345 Stanley Wood Speech Professor
346 Elaine McDavitt Speech Professor
347 James Skaine Speech Assistant Professor
348 Ralph Schwartz Speech Assistant Professor
349 Robert Smith Speech Assistant Professor
350 Patricia Townsend Speech Assistant Professor