
Displaying 1201 - 1250 of 1381 faculty staff members in this school year
Department: Special Education
# Person Role Rank Notes
1201 Frank Kohler Interim Head Professor
1202 Amy Petersen Special Education Assistant Professor
1203 Christina Curran Special Education Assistant Professor
1204 James Kirk Unspecified Assistant Professor
1205 Susan Brennan Special Education Assistant Professor
1206 Sarah Semon Unspecified Assistant Professor
1207 Amy Staples Special Education Associate Professor
1208 Dennis Ford Unspecified Instructor
1209 Henry Shepherd Unspecified Instructor
1210 Cheryl Timion Unspecified Emeritus
1211 Thomas Little Unspecified Emeritus
1212 Lee Courtnage Unspecified Emeritus
1213 Susan Stainback Unspecified Emeritus
1214 William Stainback Unspecified Emeritus
1215 Marion Thompson Unspecified Emeritus
1216 Sandra Alper Unspecified Emeritus
Department: Sponsored Programs
# Person Role Rank Notes
1217 Anita Gordon Director of Research Services Unspecified Also taught in Department of Social Work, spring 2012 semester.
1218 Christine Twait Assistant Provost Unspecified
Department: Student Field Experience
# Person Role Rank Notes
1219 Gregory Reed Coordinator of Student Teaching Assistant Professor
1220 Julie Phillips Unspecified Assistant Professor
1221 Merrie Schroeder Unspecified Assistant Professor
1222 Nadene Davidson Interim Head Assistant Professor
1223 Christine Canning Coordinator of Student Teaching Associate Professor Phased retirement.
1224 Linda Rosulek Coordinator of Student Teaching Instructor
1225 Mary Rygh Unspecified Instructor
1226 Thomas Blaine Coordinator of Student Teaching Instructor
1227 Dianna Briggs Interim Director Instructor Also taught in Department of Management.
1228 Kathy Oakland Unspecified Instructor
1229 Kathryn Blecha Coordinator of Student Teaching Instructor
1230 Lori Ann Smith Unspecified Instructor
1231 Leigh Martin Coordinator of Student Teaching Instructor
1232 LaDonna Lines Unspecified Instructor
1233 Clarence (Clancy) Simmons Coordinator of Student Teaching Instructor
1234 Caroline Elser Unspecified Instructor
1235 Kristi Powers Unspecified Instructor
1236 James Kelly Unspecified Emeritus
1237 Janey Montgomery Unspecified Emeritus
1238 Lowell Hoeft Unspecified Emeritus
Department: Study Abroad Program
# Person Role Rank Notes
1239 Yana Cornish Director, Study Abroad Program Unspecified Also taught in Department of Languages and Literatures, spring 2012 semester.
Department: Teaching
# Person Role Rank Notes
1240 Lyn Countryman Interim Director Professor
1241 Jody Stone Unspecified Professor Also taught in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
1242 Elizabeth Zwanziger Unspecified Assistant Professor
1243 Terri Lasswell Student Teaching Coordinator Assistant Professor
1244 Alison Beharka Unspecified Assistant Professor
1245 Annette Swann Unspecified Associate Professor Emeritus status effective December 21, 2011.
1246 Amanda Larsen Unspecified Instructor
1247 Amy Griswold Unspecified Instructor
1248 Amy Lockhart Unspecified Instructor
1249 Andrew Trout Unspecified Instructor
1250 Ashley Jorgensen Unspecified Instructor